Time Cover by Euro RSCG junior creatives.

Go to the The TIME 100 special issue to see the series of special issue covers designed for TIME by a handful of acclaimed graphic designers, and a few jammy junior creatives at Euro RSCG New York. Who said that juniors never get to do anything fun?

Euro RSCG was the lone ad agency involved in this project, which also includes cover designs by Neville Brody, Chip Kidd and James Victore. So what did Euro do? Cut horizontal stripes of the faces of each of the top 100 people profiled by TIME this year and put them back together again. Cute.

Kudos to the kids at Euro: Ben Thoma, Katie Anne Naylon, Patrik Bolocek. North American CCO Jose Cabaco and New York ECD Hal Wolverton oversaw the project.

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