Toyota "Buster Posey: Tacoma" (2016) :30 (USA)

Hey Larry, get off your break and answer the phone in the sci-fi call center. San Francisco Giants catcher Buster Posey is busy. Also starring a Toyota Tacoma and its standard GoPro mount.

Client: Toyota
Agency: H&L Partners
Executive Creative Director: Rob Bagot
Executive Producer: Therese Vreeland
Art Director: Tim Stier
Account Executive: Ongie Chin
Assistant Producer: Evelyn Danford Houder
Production Company: Backyard
Director: Greg Bell
Director of Photography: Dave Myrick
VP/Executive Producer: Kris Mathur
Line Producer: Aesli Grandi
Editorial: Ntropic SF
Editor: Alan Chimenti
Producer: Laura Livingstone

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