1Time Airlines ambient stunt in South Africa

DDB South Africa propped a car in the Johannesburg International Airport parking area, right next to the walkway so that everyone could see it. They covered the car in dust, parking tickets and wheel clamps on every wheel. People who saw the spectacle even stopped to photograph it. A sign above the car carried the punchline which explained the car... (inside)

"Paying less for flights means that you can stay on holiday longer. "
(just park somewhere else)

Graham Kietzmann Photographed the ambient installation, Gareth Lessing is the Executive Creative Director
while Darren Borrino is the Art Director and Stuart Turner is the Copywriter on this.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Andreas-Udd's picture

Aren't people annoyed that they 'stole' a great parking space to do this though?

Dabitch's picture

As a general rule, ads annoy people no matter what. ;)

alex's picture

Well, you know what they say - people don't slow down on the motorway just to look at the tarmac.