Åkestam Holst's new ad for ATG shot in Madrid by Mattias Montero

Mattias Montero from Social Club was both the director and DP on the new ATG commercial called "Statues", which was shot in Madrid and Stockholm for two weeks this past November. There's a website to go with this film at Levandespel.se. In the ad, statues of horses come alive at the break of dawn.
ATG - Statues (directors cut) - (2008) :45 (Sweden)

Here's a behind-the-scenes peek at the shoot (sorry, we only have the youtube.) The robotic horse glimpsed at 0:45 makes me simultaneously drool and shiver. After viewing this, I'm most impressed by the horses and their trainers to be honest (and the robotics team, guys, I'm your number one fan!)

Previous commercials in the ATG campaign so far:
ATG - Top Shot (2007) 0:20 (Sweden)

ATG - Creek (2007) 0:20 (Sweden)

ATG - 32 Million Years in the Making (2007) 0:45 (Sweden)

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Kissmekatey's picture

The robotic horse is very impressive. I can't tell if they even used that in the ad.

Joha's picture

Maybe they didn´t, maybe it´s just some kind of fraud to add some extra interest. But I agree it looks authentic. It just feels fishy.

Dabitch's picture

I can't tell where it's used in the ad either, but keep in mind that we only have the directors cut so far. Perhaps the robotic horses will show up in the client edit and the short edit(s) (i hear there's a 30 and 20 coming). We'll see.

Benihahna's picture

The idea and two weeks of filming and "the making of" movie set me up for disappointment. The film is good, but I was expecting mindbogglingly great.