Amazon Echo - Introducing - (2014) 4:00 (USA)

Welcome home to the Jetsons, where we don't have a maid-bot yet, but we do have Amazon Echo.

Echo can play music, answer questions, and hear you everywhere. While this overly long web-ad demonstrates that the entire family finds echo useful, from help in spelling to being used as a regular alarm clock, we all know that Echo will eventually just be really good at helping you shop. "Your bowel movements sound bad, should we order some Pepto-Bismol?"

Between this thing that can hear us, cell phones in our pockets revealing our movements, people willingly updating Facebook at all times, and Cessna planes equipped with "dirtboxes" spying on cellphones to track people of interest, I'm going to invest a large chunk of cash in aluminium foil. Lets Faraday shield as small city somewhere and move there, y'all.

Client: Amazon

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