Ambi Pur - Calvin, Cornered, Obsession & Color, print Australia

Ambi Pur Color
Ambi Pur Cornered
Ambi Pur Calvin

Ambi Pur announces their new fragrance which so unlike any regular toilet cleaner scent that it requires it's own sexy perfume ad execution to get the message across. This doesn't mean you'll get Mr Hot&Shirtless staring deep into your eyes each time you scrub down the loo.... Or does it? I'm buying a box of the stuff just in case.

Agency: JayGrey, Sydney

David White (Art Director / Copywriter)
Toby Burrows (Photographer)
Vanessa Long (Account manager)
Marcus Thyer (Retoucher)
Jay Furby (Art Director / Copywriter / Creative director)
Marketing Manager - Karen Gerard
Brand Manager - Anthony Fotoulis

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These are great!