Apple iPhone - The New iPhone / Hallway - (2008) :30 (USA)

Finally Apple gets with it and adds 3G to the iPhone - which also means we can get them in Europe now. W00t, I guess. Perhaps I'd be more exited if the ad wasn't so dull.

Agency: TBWA\\Media Arts Lab, Los Angeles
Directed by David Fincher of Anonymous Content
Lee Clow (Chief Creative Officer)
Duncan Milner (Executive Creative Director)
Eric Grunbaum (Executive Creative Director)
Alan Briere (Associate CD / Art Director)
Krista Wicklund (Senior Copywriter)
Alicia Dotter (Copywriter)
Drew Stalker (Art Director)
Perrin Rausch (Agency Producer)
Anne Oburgh (Agency Producer)
Director: David Fincher
Production Company: Anonymous Content
Music Supervisor - David Taylor
DP - Pawel Edelman
Editorial Company - Rock Paper Scissors
VFX/Online - Asylum

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