BankPlus - "Mobile Alerts" :30 (USA)

Two new commercials for BankPlus, directed by Accomplice Media’s John Bonito, imagines what Eli Manning’s life might have been like had he never played football. Manning plays the star of a barnstorming dodge ball team who attacks the game with the same verve and arm strength that the real Eli brings to the gridiron. He may not make millions, but BankPlus treats him like a Super Bowl champ.

Two new commercials for BankPlus, directed by Accomplice Media’s John Bonito, imagines what Eli Manning’s life might have been like had he never played football. Manning plays the star of a barnstorming dodge ball team who attacks the game with the same verve and arm strength that the real Eli brings to the gridiron. He may not make millions, but BankPlus treats him like a Super Bowl champ.

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