BetterUp - Prince Harry / "What does the term mental fitness mean to you?" (2022) :15 (USA)

"What does the term mental fitness mean to you?" this is the question that Prince Harry,  Duke of Sussex, asks Adam Grant, Chloe Kim, and BetterUp Member Blu Mendoza to answer. 

So they share: -"It means being at peak cognitive and emotional function."
- "The ability to keep yourself sane."
- "It's something that you have to do every day, it's an exercise."

Adam Grant ends with "if we do not invest in mental fitness, performance can not be sustained."

My impression that BetterUp is a very expensive type of online therapy with a bit of baby yoga thrown in, remains completely unchanged. Actually, I take that back, it feels like it has a bit of bitcoin and Web3 sprinkled in now too. I don't understand at all what a former working royal from the country that lost the American revolutionary war is doing in this spot, other than being some sort of celebrity attraction. With the weird caveat that royals are not celebrities. So maybe he's here because he's battled mental health issues?

Now, that could make sense if he had seemed to have gotten better, but countless tabloids still bring up quotes from him as if he's in constant PTSD panic attacks, so that doesn't seem to be the case. It's that age-old celebrity spokesperson issue, if you're going to recommend the weight-loss product as a celebrity, it helps if you stay slim. 

But aside from all of that, since I don't like celebrity-driven ads anyway, this doesn't tell me much at all. It's a fifteen-second bowl of word salad. It's easy to digest on social media but doesn't entice me much, and like all those easily digestible Instagram ads it makes me wary that if I sign up, I'll be stuck paying hundreds of dollars for facetime-yoga weekly. I'm not expecting a 90-second epic ad here, I'm just expecting a little more, but more importantly better, information. Like you know, BetterUp.

Client: BetterUp

Production: InHouse

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Lilly B's picture

No thank you. This new term 'mental fitness' trivializes genuine mental health issues.
The notion that someone who doesn't even have an advanced degree in psychology or psychiatry can gimmick you out of mental problems with mental gymnastics is actually pretty frightening. How are these "mental health coaches" qualified?

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

It's just life coaching with a fancier name, because people no longer want a life coach, so this sounds better.