British Airways - City Breaks "That's my Nigel" live performance Surprise (1991) 2:00 (UK)

"British Airways holidays can offer you weekend breaks in 41 romantic holiday destinations" the VO of the ad that plays in the cinema says, but a woman in the audience interrupts. "That's my Nigel" she interjects loudly, and as she continues, getting louder the audience turns to see what the commotion is. She stands up and walks toward the screen "That's my boyfriend!" she yells. 

She then shouts "Nigel, Nigel" at the screen until the actor onscreen actually responds. "Michelle, what a surprise..." Nigel then attempts to introduce Michelle to Amanda, the woman he is in Paris with, but is dumped by both women on the spot. 

This ad was played out in many cinemas across the UK for the Holiday season in 1991. I have seen the ad myself at a Paul Arden Lecture in 1993 and can assure you, a woman in the audience that starts yelling at the screen gets your attention. At first, I was embarrassed for her, but as the ad on screen talked back it became quite funny. And unforgettable.

Ad agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, London

Creative Director: Paul Arden
Directed by: Frank Budgen

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