Bunnies on bunnies for VW Rabbit ad

September's issue of Playboy features Heff's three girlfriends- Holly, Kendra, and Bridget-and stars of E!'s reality show "The Girls Next Door" on the cover. CP+B have created an ad for the back of the magazine for the VW Rabbit. The ad uses a reverse angle shot of the cover image with the headline in reverse type and showing off Holly's VW Rabbit logo tattooed on her lower back. Brandweek got some quotes from the folks at CP+B on the campaign.

"The original idea was to replace the actual the hidden Bunny icon on the cover," said Rob Strasberg, vice president and creative director at the Miami agency. "But Playboy said no one messes with that rabbit. So we went back and threw this other option at them."

Strasberg said the Rabbit is "one of the most youthful cars, and we definitely wanted to keep the male promiscuity of the rabbit in there, so the rabbit made sense and the target matches Playboy."

Strasberg said the original idea for the Playboy cover came from Jeff Steinhour, a partner and head of account services at the agency. "The big thought was getting VW to bring the Rabbit back, because we love it. It's playful and fun. It wasn't a leap to go from rabbits to fornication and multiplying. But when you can play with another brand's icon, it raises both brands," he said.

What a surprise from the agency that seems to have a keen aptitude for creating male-centric advertising. Ad inside.


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Dabitch's picture

OOoooh! Clever buggers! Replacing the bunny would have rocked! Hands up all ye who found all bunnies! *waves hands about*

What? Its the best cover design idea since.. well since long before I-D's wink. So there.