California Association of Realtors "Alameda" (2013) :30 (USA)

Red Tettemer and Partners created this ad for the California Association Of Realtors, reminding people that real estate has a huge benefit on us all. it's not just buying a house. Its helping grow and shift the economy for the better, across the state.

Except presumably the cities that have declared bankruptcy. :\

Chief Creative Officer: Steve Red
Executive Creative Director: Steve O’Connell
VP/Creative Director: Bryon Lomas
Copywriter: Clarence Bradley
Senior Producer: Joe Mosca
Director/DP: Ahshin Shahidi
Exec Producer: John Malina
Line Producer: Breigh Kenley
Editing House: Red Alert
Editor: Vic Carreno
Producer: Joe Mosca
Color Correction: Monogram
Music House: Needledrop Music
Audio Mix: Philly Post
Audio Engineer: John Baker
Animator: Ahmad Ajouz
Interactive Aaron Grando
Account Executive(s): Susan Baraczek, Cortney Boothman
Social Media: Annie Heckenberger, Ryan Olah

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