Camp Lucky Welcomes Daria Zeliger Reps For East Coast Representation

Camp Lucky is excited to welcome Daria Zeliger Reps for exclusive East Coast Representation. Daria Zeliger Reps is driven by a passion for creativity and artistic development and specializes in strategic sales, business development and consulting for production and post-production companies.

“Camp Lucky has incredible talent and vast expertise,” explains Daria Zeliger, who is known for developing relationships between innovative thinkers, artists and technologists across multi-platform content. “Their directors reflect a range of genres and styles, and the integrated nature of production and post means they can be a creative partner with a real understanding of the current industry landscape. But above all, they are genuinely kind and warm people who want to do the best work for their clients.”

Camp Lucky is a team of experienced artists and producers who create live action production, editorial, design, animation, visual effects, color and audio. The Camp Lucky team helps clients bring stories to audiences on any screen or proverbial campfire. Their goal is to make a lasting impression with integrity, creativity, and quality. 

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