Chevy pays tribute to Prince with a Little Red Corvette

Prince, who passed away yesterday has already had a slew of hits honoring the brilliant singer, song writer and multi-instrumentalist. It was only a matter of time before a brand also did the same. And no brand had a better write than Chevy, whose Corvette was uh honored in Prince's classic song "Little Red Corvette," of the album 1999 which came out in 1983.

This simple tweet from Chevrolet's official account tweaks a line from the song and puts a Red Corvette in the image. Tasteful without trying too hard. Nice fitting tribute, I'd say.

Edit: the Chevy agency Commonwealth/McCann tells us that the ad will appear in print in USA Today, Detroit News/Free Press, the Los Angeles Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune and The New York Times, Friday.

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