Chipotle - Wait for it ...."It's corn!" (2022)

Who knows how this went through the approval process so quickly, but kudos to the team that managed that! Chipotle has gotten the  “Corn Kid” Tariq in a TikTok that may be the perfect TikTok ad.  "It's corn!" Tariq exclaims after we have been shown the process of selecting what you want at Chipotle. “Corn Kid” Tariq is currently hoot meme-property having been named the ‘corn-bassador’ of South Dakota and inspired Kevin Bacon to sing about corn. Striking while the meme is hot, Chipotle's TikTok channel released this clip, with perfect timing. Who knew describing corn as “a big lump with knobs” could lead you into a lucrative career?

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Corny 's picture

Jesus Christ is this what passes for marketing these days? Latest viral nonsense trend packaged up in a 13 second clip. Just burn it all down.

Neo's picture

Right? Sad. But I appreciate someone keeping track as I'm not about to follow brands on TikTok. Or have Tiktok, for that matter.

Dabitch's picture

Being "the best" or "good" in a terrible media category will only take you so far.

Andreas-Udd's picture

Advertising is getting worse every day.

I am kidding. Really.'s picture

This is rubbish. Let's all quit and move to a cabin in the woods.