Citi - Thelma & Norma - (2006) :30 (USA)

Two little old ladies discussing what they bought, on someone else's credit. "That motorcycle was expensive! And LOUD!"

Agency: Fallon Minneapolis

Group Creative Director: Steve Driggs
Art Director: Steve Driggs
Copywriter: James Bray
Director of Broadcast, N.A.: Brian DiLorenzo
Executive Producer: Joe Grundhoefer
Producer: Ted Knutson Assistant
Producer: Jim Haight

Production Company: Thomas Thomas
Director: Kevin Thomas
Executive Producer: Jenny Gadd
Producer: Ira Brooks
Director of Photography: Carl Nilson Shoot

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Editorial Company: Bug
Editorial Editor: Andre Betz Film/Tape Transfer: Co3, New York Online: Smoke & Mirrors
Voiceover/Studio/Record: Babble-On, LA Studios

Final Mix: Sound Lounge


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Actor credit would be nice.

Dabitch's picture

I agree but we don't always get them from the PR reps.