SPG "Open Up" (2014) 1:30 (USA)

That's quite the celebration for keyless mobile check in. Although I can certainly relate to the couple trying to break down the door because nookie, the ad is a bit too long. And really? A reference to The Shining? Maybe the tech geeks don't care but the only reason hotels (and fast food restaurants) are going the automated route is to save money because they won't have to hire as many people. They can spin it as convenience all day long, but it's money.
That sounded very cynical. Let me find something else to say about it...how about this. It's not just about money, it's also about being able to track you, since that nifty app is in all likelihood, feeding a lot of beacons as you walk down the street, too.
So yeah-- no thanks SPG, I'm not your roving data tracker. I'd rather deal with a fake cheery person behind the counter than download an app so I can save five minutes and five bucks tip for the bell boy for carrying up my bags.
Also, if this ad were really being honest they would have shown me the scene where a drunk dude returning home from a night out tries to figure out how to turn his mobile on so he can open the door.

Client: Starwood Hotels & Resorts Brand Design Group
Agency: Plus
Directors: Jeremy Hollister & Judy Wellfare
Director of Photography: Zak Mulligan
Producer: Anna Marie Pitman
Editors: Jeremiah Shuff & Chelsey Blackmon
Music by COPILOT

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Dabitch's picture

This really should have been ten 15 second blipverts instead of one long ad.

And whoah, The Shining??