Sunny Delight - Purple Stuff Redux (2015) : 60 (USA)

Those brats are back, you know the ones, you met them in the 90s when they shunned soda and purple stuff in favor of Sunny D. Well, they're still at it, and mom is not so cool with it anymore. Advertisings love of retro and navel gazing has finally brought us a remake of one of the most annoying Procter & Gamble ads of all time. Oh, but we're in on the joke now, mocking the 36 year old who doesn't have a job and never left the house. Can we blame this behavior on those sugar-laden vitamin enriched drinks you were giving them in the 90s, ma? A few details are off, it's not the same actors (wouldn't THAT have been hilarious?), and now there's suddenly Milk in the fridge, which was lacking in the original 91 spot for legal reasons. The forced happy awkward feeling of the original ad is still intact - and they both make me shudder. Sunny Delight hopes to push the nostalgia buttons on 90s kids, who are all grown and have kids of their own, with this ad and maybe if they're lucky they'll get a new generation of kids hooked on orange-flavor vitamin sugar drink, over that "purple stuff" we all really want instead.

Client: Sunny Delight
Spot: "SunnyD 2015 Rollerblade"
Agency: Grenadier
Creative Director/Art Director: Randy Rogers
Creative Directors/Writers: Wade Paschall, Mark St. Amant
Associate Creative Director/Art Director: Grant Minnis
Executive Producer: Keith Dezen
Production Company: Community Films
Director: Clay Williams
Executive Producer (Production Co): Lizzy Schwartz
Producer (Production Co): Helen Hollien
Line Producer: Helen Hollien
Director of Photography: Guyla Pados
Editorial Company: HutchCo Technologies
Editor: Jim Hutchins
Music Company: JSM Music
Visual Effects Company: Brickyard VFX
Visual Effects Editor: Patrick Poulatian
Visual Effects Producer: Linda Jackson
CG Lead: David Blumenfeld
Account Service Lead: Becky Herman
Account Service Supervisor: Ryan Smith
Planner: Elisa Cantero

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