VH1 - I will survive / Nerds today boss tomorrow - (2014) 1:10 (Argentina)

To teach the young and presumably cool kids that bullying is not, Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi had them sing new lyrics to "I will survive", declaring that the nerds of today will be your boss tomorrow. This is a clip by Vh1 to air on Vh1, which isn't your usual sender of PSA's. Kids are hoisted up flagpoles, dunked in the school toilet and spanked with towels in the gym. It's a long way different from this "Friends" ad in Sweden, "Mean words", but then unlike "Friends" which teaches schoolkids how to end bullying, Vh1 isn't an anti-bullying org, they're a music channel.
So, funny story, told via music, and maybe just maybe it'll have someone who is a bully stop and think for a moment. Or maybe it's just a funny clip that dos nothing to end the cycle of bullying other than turn it into a song.

Ad Agency; Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi, Argentina
Executive Creative Directors: Maxi Itzkoff / Mariano Serkin
Creative Directors: Juan Pablo Lufrano / Ariel Serkin /Dani Minaker / Sebastian Tarazaga
Agency Producers: Andy Gulliman / Felipe Calviño / Adrian Aspani
Account Director: Ana Bogni
Production Company: Landia / Stink
Director: Agustin Alberdi
Executive Producers: Daniel Bergmann / Andy Fogwill / / Diego Robino
Producer: Nell Jordan
Director of Photography: Carlos Ritter
Post house: Electric Theater
Sound : Pure Sound
Advertiser’s Supervisors: Sean Taylor / Nacho Gil

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So don't be a bully because the person you bully MIGHT be your boss one day. PROBLEM SOLVED! Once again, Advertising to the Rescue (facepalm).