Country Music Television - Hospital (2006) 0:30 (USA)

Agency: Country Music Television (CMT), In House
Vice President, Creative: Michael Engleman
Director Off Air Promos: Leslie Legare
Art Director: Scott McDonald
Line Producer: Deidre Duker
Director: Lena Beug
Production Company: Reginald Pike, Toronto
Director of Photography: Kip Bogdahn
Producer: Denny Kennedy
Executive Producer: Josefina Nadurata
Editorial: Alison Gordon, Relish, Toronto
Music: Grayson Matthews Inc., Toronto
Partner, Composer/Producer: Dave Sorbara, Grayson Matthews Inc., Toronto
Partner, Composer/Producer: Tom Westin, Grayson Matthews Inc., Toronto
Partner, Executive Producer: Elizabeth Taylor, Grayson Matthews Inc., Toronto

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