A crap of a day

Today is Thomas Crapper Day.
The date honors the passing of the man, not his birthday (which is unknown) or his invention of the flushing toilet (which is a myth). I have to say I'm a bit disturbed by the number of online greeting cards for this holiday.

Anyway, we've rounded up some toilet related ads for your viewing pleasure.

Scott Toilet Paper Halftime Flush

Angel Soft Bathroom Humor

Andrex ad causes stink

Making toilet paper ads sexy

Christian Slater flushed with success

Tamango - Toilet Fairy

American Standard - Never Plunge Again (Gets bonus points for the toilet and use of Wolfgang Amadaus Mozart's music- His birthday is the same as Thomas Crapper day)

Kaopectate - Toilet

Tankbowl - Ed

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Dabitch's picture

ahaha! I had forgotten avout Slaters piss voiceover. ;)

and that Toilet Fairy is just weird. Reminds me of that guy who dresses up like Peter pan!