Cyberpunk 2077 is making it easier for content creators

After a long wait and another delay, the new video game from Projekt RED, Cyberpunk 2077, will finally be released on December 10th. The company is already anticipating some hiccups when it comes to licensed music and the content creators who will be sharing them game on the socials. Here's the note from their website (bold emphasis mine)

Hey Choombas

We wanted to address some concerns which have recently appeared in regards to possible copyright problems connected with streaming Cyberpunk 2077 and its soundtrack.

As always, we encourage everyone to create videos using content from our games and we love to see you stream them. With the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, we are incredibly excited to see your streams, playthroughs, Let’s Play videos, achievement guides, hell, maybe even speedruns of our upcoming RPG!

Cyberpunk 2077 will feature a beautiful, robust original score created by our in-house composers. In addition, you will be able to listen to over 150 songs created by wonderful artists representing diverse genres and we are confident you will love the music played by the in-game radio stations and in clubs. Unfortunately, the world of copyright law is complicated and not all of these songs can be streamed or used in your video content.

The last thing we want is for you to run into any copyright issues. Because of this, we have created a dedicated feature for content creators. The “Disable Copyrighted Music” toggle, available in the game’s settings, will disable a small portion of in-game tracks, streaming of which could otherwise result in demonetization or takedowns of your videos or stream clips/VODs. Be sure to have this option enabled before you start streaming or recording your Cyberpunk 2077 content!

As mentioned above, using the “Disable Copyrighted Music” toggle should prevent you from experiencing any copyright issues. However, if you run into any problems of this nature despite having the toggle on, be sure to check with us at We will try our best to help you!

We hope you enjoy the game and will have fun streaming and creating video content for Cyberpunk 2077.

See you in Night City!

It's actually not that complicated. When they licensed the tracks for the game Projekt RED either forgot, or didn't think to factor in subsequent livestreams. I'm assuming they forgot, because who doesn't realize by now that gamers are making Let's Play videos and sharing content on social media?



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