Dames at Sea - "I Tap" - (2015) :30 (USA)

“I Tap” promotes the first-ever Broadway production of “Dames at Sea,” which sets sail this month at the Helen Hayes Theatre. The show’s tap-happy stars Eloise Kropp, Mara Davi and Lesli Margherita strut their stuff in exuberant fashion.

Agency: AKA NYC. Jamaal+Bashan, Directors; Elizabeth Furze and Scott Moore, Managing Partners; Bashan Aquart, Executive Creative Director; Jamaal Parham, Content Director; Elizabeth Findlay, Account Manager; Jennifer Blanco, Client Service Account Supervisor; Emily Poworoznek, Client Service Representative; Adam Coffia, Content Executive Producer; Lauren Guenther, Copywriter.
Production: Very Rare Productions. Monique Perreault, Producer; Michael Townley, Cinematographer; Bobby Cruz, 1st AD; Blake Steigerwald, 1st AC; Randy Skinner, Choreography; Stewart Gerard, Art Dept.; Claire Aquila, Wardrobe; Erica Whelan, Hair and Makeup; Kaream Appleton, Production Coordinator.
Editor: Jamaal Parham
Post: The Mill. Michael Rossiter, Colorist.
Sound: PLUSH, Michael Lesveque, Mixer.

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