Dear PETA: "Save the wild pussy"

PETA want people to stop wearing fur trim, so they show this image of a woman with a rather thick area of pubes peeking out from underneath her lingerie. Oh, PETA, will you ever be able to make an ad that doesn't disrespect women as a springboard for your cause? MS Magazine has a collection of readers reactions this this ad, well worth a read. My favorite:

Don't you see what's really going on here?! The sexism debate raised by the PETA ad in question is intended to distract us from PETA's true agenda. And this is: to wipe out wild pussies around the globe! Long on the list of endangered species, the wild pussy is racing toward extinction at an alarming rate. Yet what does PETA do? It hunts down one of the few wild pussies left! Then after binding it in cotton, PETA exposes this blameless creature to endless humiliation and ridicule! Such open contempt is clearly intended to harden our hearts to the wild pussy's plight, thereby hastening its demise. Wild pussies have rights, too, even if PETA would have us think they don't count. We need to share the planet with all of God's creatures. And I, for one, will not rest until the world is safe for the wild pussy! Minerva Gow Montreal, Que., Canada

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