Die Antwoord - I fink u freeky - (2012)

"I fink U freeky and I like u a lot" and hell breaks loose in a black and white inferno of dancing elephant-snouted kids, albinos, real live snakes - caressed in the most sexually suggestive way possible, rats, stuffed lions, and black-eyed Yolandi floating in a tub of FREEKY. We have an elephant snouted dancer, stuffed animals, and sexual art on the walls.
There's also the poster in the background of the couch scene, declaring that sex with dogs cures AIDS. Ho-kaayy.

There's even a kid with Yolandi's haircut painted in black flashing by for freaky-deaky details. That's Sixteen Jones, Yolandi's and Ninja's baby girl, hence the extreme likeness. Also, roaches. We can't have a video without a district 9 reference, now can we? Well done on the directing, Ninja.

Directed by Roger Ballen & NINJA
Director of Photography Melle Van Essen
Edited by Jannie Hondekom @ Left
Post Production by Blade

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That's also Sixteen looking decapitated in the oil barrel in the family portrait scene.