Dirt Devil - The Exorcist - (2011)

The mumbled prayers. The ticking clock. The grimy dark setting. The screams from the bedroom. It's all so spot on, the only thing that could make this any better was if it ran only on Halloween. Dirt devil, get on that please. (Please note this is spec The Excorcist in Cannes Lions - not signed off by the client? Seems not... yet.

Dirt Devil - Exorcist (90")
Brand: Dirt Devil
Product: Centrino Cleancontrol
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Copywriter & Art Director: Andre Price
Producer: Christian Hergenröther
Director: Andreas Roth
Dop: Roland Stuprich
Music: The German Wahnsinn Team
Editor: Alexander Menkö

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AnonymousCoward's picture

@everybody: Yes it did! It was a project for the net, but because internal "insecurities" it was kept in "limbo".
Greez andre price (creative behind the spot)

Dabitch's picture

Hi guys! I spent a good portion of time calling Dirt Devil, mentioned in this link, and listening to a super-annoying German "your call is important to us" hold-tune... Finally got a hold of the Dirt Devil / Royal Appliance International GmbH Marketing Manager who had this to say:

this film is produced by a film academy in south germany and is actually awared for the best newcomer film in europe. I'm currently in contact with the academy to use the rights in europe.

I get being in limbo. I get having done an ad and just waiting for it to roll out, and BOY do I know the stories of clients being slow to act on things etcetera.. But that reply was in respons to a direct question: Was the Dirt Devil Exorcist film signed off/approved by Dirt Devil / Royal Appliance International GmbH?

What I'm saying now is: that marketing manager does not handle PR very well if the answer really was a simple "Yes". ;9 Note I'm not asking if it was "internet only" or anything like that, just if it was approved. If it ran web-only or on TV wasn't the question at all.

(Out of curiosity, if it was a web-only ad what paid web media did it run in?)