Downy - Rip Your Clothes On - (2014) .30 (USA)

Ever had clothes so soft, the hottest thing you and your mate can do is get each other dressed? Well, that's the idea in this spot, steamily directed by Margo Weathers who fell in love with he idea from the start.

"I loved this concept," said Weathers "We discussed how the concept really fits Downy. It’s basically a threesome - a man, a woman and their clothes." Oh yeah, she suggested it's a ménage à trois. Casting was paramount in bringing the spot to life. Auditions took place in Slovakia and the Czech Republic before a two-day shoot in Prague: “I love casting,” admits Weathers. “Meeting people that enhance character is one of my favourite thing to do. We liked both actors right away. Lenka Vidiecanova has a beautiful, vulnerable quality while all six of the female client sighed when Michael Dubovec left the audition - that’s our audience, so we knew we had the right guy.”

There's a moment in the spot where Lenka exhales, and she blushes just right. Who knew detergent could be this hot?

Note: I wrote the review above based on a different edit and music bed. The ad has now been replaced for another edit and music bed. I don't think this is as hot at all, and in fact, think most of the steamy and sexy has been utterly lost. Ignore my positive review above.

Client: P&G
Production: Supply&Demand
Executive producers: Tim Case, Charles Salice, Jeff Scruton
Director: Margo Weathers
DP: Simon Chaudoir
Agency: Grey, New York
ECD: Lisa Topol
ACDs: Anne Stesney, Katie Jensen
AD: Kira Gotbatkin
EP: Stacy Towle
Editing House: BlueRock
Editor: Geordie Anderson

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