E3 2012 game trailer - “Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance” (2012) (USA)

Ignited was tasked with creating a dynamic show to present the innovation and digital entertainment emerging from Konami in order to showcase their upcoming games including “Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance,” the next release in its hugely popular Metal Gear franchise, which has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. For the launch, Ignited created the trailer, which is the first to include actual gameplay.

Chief Creative Officer: Jordan Atlas & Troy Scarlott

Executive Creative Director: Jordan Atlas

Art Director: Jeremy Carson

Copywriter: Marcella Angeles-Macedo

Producers: Diego Espana

Account Executive(s): Robb Hittner, Patrick Meeley, Lesley Stahl

Production Company: Ignited Films

Director: Jordan Atlas & Ken Dodge

Executive producer: Diego Espana

Line Producer: Mike Dobbs

Editing House: Ignited Films

Editor: Ken Dodge

Composer: Depeche Mode

Sound Design: Konami

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