Eskom Switch, 2013 1:00 (South Africa)

Frieze Films and Rob Malpage direct this spot for power company Eskom for Saatchi and Saatchi Johannesburg.

The circumstances surrounding the shoot were a bit tricky. Rob wanted to shoot Telkom’s National Control Room, because power grids are awesome, doncha know. But the place has severely restricted access. So Rob recreated it thanks to the magic of art direction and CGI.

The message is pretty much what you'd expect from a power company:

"We are awesome because we provide you power in all kinds of ways and let's all pat ourselves on the back for doing our job, because we power your world." Cut to shot of the world.

Client: Askom
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg
Creative Director: Liam Wilopolski
Copywriter: Wynand Prinsloo
Art Director: Wihan Meerholz
Production: Frieze Films
Music: InJozi

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The muslim population of South Africa is 1.5%, never has a token hijab felt like such a token.

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They have to appeal to everybody.