Euros Childs "Tête à Tête" (2013) 3:09 (UK)

Euros Childs, former leader of Welsh pysch-folk outfit Gorky's Zygotic Mynci has been releasing solo albums and side projects for six or seven years now.

This is the official video for the single "Tête à Tête," from his latest album Situation Comedy, dropping October 21st.

For those unfamiliar with Gorky's or Euros Childs, this video and song have all the emblematic hallmarks. Catchy, silly, and matched with Childs' still choir boy perfect singing voice.

The video's concept never gets in the way of the song. It looks like it was a lot of fun to make, too.
Can't wait for the album to come out.

Director / Director of Photography / Post: Ryan Owen Eddleston
Arms: Sara & Rowena
Gaffer: Mark Holownia
Produced by Ryan Owen Eddleston & Euros Childs

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