Evan Silver Joins Ruffian

Emmy-nominated and Cannes Lion-winning writer and director Evan Silver has signed with Ruffian for commercial representation.

Evan entered advertising as an agency creative before leaving to write and direct with top celebrity talent in film, comedy, and music. He refined his skills at MTV’s famed NY on-air promos, where he created hundreds of ads and short videos including the 2014 MTV Movie Awards featuring then-host Conan O’Brien with Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield, and Jamie Fox.

Evan has since written and directed content for ad agencies, movie studios, TV networks and record labels. His clients include Nike, Audi, X-box, Comedy Central, Budweiser, Honda, Microsoft, ESPN, and HBO. Last year he collected a Cannes Lion on a Burger King campaign featuring Snoop Dogg. His visually rich storytelling has also seen honors at AICP, Clio, Webby, One Show, One Show Interactive, and PromaxBDA.

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