Family Supercooks “Talking Food” Idents - Scary Ketchup - (2009) 2 x 10s (UK)

Meet Ketchup and the poor fishstick. See “Family Supercooks” for more backstory on these idents

Client(& job title): Kate Frankum (Head of Marketing, FSA) James Brandon (Acting Head of Communications, FSA)
Advertising Agency: rkcr/y&r
Creative Director: Damon Collins
Copywriter: Mike Boles
Art Director: Jerry Hollens
Planner: Emily James
Business Director Tony Harris
Account Director: Sally Nielson
Account Manager: Jamal Cassim
Agency Producer: Jen Fewster
Production Company: Coy!
Director: Mark Denton
Editor: Billy at Ten Three
Producer: Sarah Cummins (Coy!)
Post-production: MPC
Audio post-production Sam at Factory

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