Firebrand still sending out press releases as attached word docs. Gag.

So, firebrand aren't dead yet, they reckon, and are again sending us press releases as attached word documents (which we hate - email was designed to carry text stop being so cumbersome). Their email teases "If you have been wondering what's next for Firebrand..." which quite frankly, I have not - but for once, I opened their doc.

And what do I get? I get this;

Press can access images and further information at:


Former Firebrand Executives form New Media Company Designed to Deliver
Integrated Marketing, Creative and Media Services

New York (June 9, 2008) – Just over two months since the doors were abruptly closed at Firebrand headquarters in Lower Manhattan, former Firebrand executives have joined forces to form Firemedia Partners, designed to provide brands with integrated solutions for marketing across today’s emerging media

Firebrand, the world’s first synchronous multi-platform brand experience, launched across TV, web and mobile platforms in late November and closed in early March.

Firebrand’s former CMO, Shari F. Leventhal says, “The knowledge we gained from our Firebrand experience was invaluable, beginning with the streaming video website, the downloadable playlists, the nightly TV show and of course, the launch marketing campaign. The integrated effort, which combined traditional media with search marketing and social media networking, garnered over 2 million television viewers per week, generated over 250,000 unique visitors, and saw over 100,000 playlist downloads — all in just 90 days. We only scratched the surface in responding to the consumer appetite for great creative advertising. Now, we are tapping the creative talents of our Firebrand “A” team, to deliver entertaining and relevant content to consumers across all new media platforms on behalf of our clients.”

Firemedia services will include multi-platform strategy, branding, advertising, design, web development, production, promotions, social media networking and search engine marketing. Former Firebrand executives include: CMO Shari F. Leventhal, Creative Director Stacy Van Wickler, Brand Designer Patrick McDonough. Roman Vinoly, Firebrand’s co-founder, will serve as Creative Advisor.

Oh how exiting! I can access images and further info at Lets go there and see, shall we? I can click two headlines related to this over there;
Former Firebrand Executives form New Media Company Designed to Deliver Integrated Marketing, Creative and Media Services

And there I get exactly the same thing I just received in this release. The redundancy department called, they want their moves back.

I won't bother opening any attached word .docs again.

Oh yes, the email also pointed me to their facebook group which I can't even attempt to look at since I closed my facebook account ages ago. They said; "If you would like to share your insights as we continue on this journey, we invite you to join us via our Firemedia community on Facebook."

Here's my insight - quit it with the Word docs already.

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I should have added this last night, related Firebrandy stuff;

Adfreak outed Chris Abraham for spamming facebook people on the (dead) Frebrand group, Chris responded that it wasn't spam but a "targeted pitch" (also, he started the group), Shari F. Leventhal from Firebrand (whom the release above was from) responded "Mea Culpa - We hit the lights and closed the doors, but obviously (we) forgot to lock them."

Now that Shari F. Leventhal is sending new releases, Chris Abraham got one too, and he wonders aloud if he might get paid for his PR work regarding firebrand now as well..

Some of that buzz can be seen in comments here on posts regarding the Superbowl where DaniS (working for Chris Abraham) touts Firebrands Super Tuesday (even though we've done the superbowl the day it airs since 1999).

Still don't know who the four users named firebrand were, they never replied to emails sent by me to their domain (adlib spotted them online here a lot).