Hahn beer academy campaign sets out to solve all our beer problems

Hahn have been "Pioneering Beering" ever since Publicis Mojo came out with the super in super out showing how exactly a Hahn beer gets so super dry to the tune of Knight Rider. Now Hahn is back with the Hahn Beer Academy, a place where all our little beer problems shall be solved. How can you avoid spilling your beer? How can we prevent beer mats from sticking to our beer? How do we best keep our beer cold? Hahn, can you help?

We've all had this issue. Beer mats that stick to the bottle. How can we fix this, Hahn? Easy. Table sized beer mat. Yeah that just might work....

Non stick beer mat

spill proof beer

We all want to keep beer cold. Some of us are smarter than this though.

Keeping Beer cold

This one could actually be a neat song if they kept at it. Wait, don't touch that one. Oh god you touched it!

Beer identification

Beer and snack in one? Yes, we need this. In some countries stout is the answer to your prayers, up here in northern Sweden we'll hand you a Pajala sunrise, and down in Oz Hahn ponders bottles made of nuts.

Beer and snack in one

And the one I forgot to add when I published this (sorry) - the glow-in-the-dark-brew for Disco Dancers.

Hahn - Beer Locator / Disco Dancer

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