Hanes drops Charlie Sheen, continues to sell wife-beaters.

Hanes has decided to drop Charlie Sheen as a spokesperson reports AP

Hanes brands has ended its advertising campaign featuring Charlie Sheen because of domestic violence charges filed against the actor, a company spokesman said Wednesday.
Spokesman Matt Hall said the seriousness of the allegations against the 44-year-old actor made the decision necessary.
"It's a pretty standard, straightforward call when somebody who's in your commercials is arrested on suspicion of something of this magnitude," Hall said. "And we would suspend the ads both for the company and, really, for Mr. Sheen and his family as well. Given the publicity, it makes sense to not air those ads during that time."
Hall said the television ads were stopped effective Dec. 28, the first business day after Sheen was arrested. He said some print ads will continue to appear into the spring.
"Unfortunately, the production schedule of those publications do not allow us to pull those ads," Hall said.

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