The Happy Reader - "The Happy Reader"- (2023) (the Netherlands)

Carl Sagan once said that ‘to read is to voyage through time’. In this short, a man starts an exciting trip after reading something interesting in The Happy Reader.

The Happy Reader is a bookish magazine for avid readers, a collaboration between Penguin Classics and Fantastic Man.

The film was directed by Dutch Director Johan Kramer, shot on 35mm film by young Director of Photography Katja van den Broeke and choreographed by Nicola Balhuizen Hepp of The Movers.

Johan Kramer: “It’s one of my favorite things in life and a desperately needed escape: having a coffee on my own in a lively place with something nice to read. Since the launch of this amazing magazine, I’ve been a fanatic happy reader of The Happy Reader and I consider this film as a nice tribute to this initiative to promote reading”.


The Happy Reader: Seb Emina, Editor in Chief. Gert Jonkers, Editorial Director

Writer&Director: Johan Kramer
Production company: Holy Fools Amsterdam, Chelsea London&NY
Executive Producers: Frank de Kok, Lisa Mehling, Collin Maas
Producers: Defne Amit, Julia Oosterwegel, Erik Mertens

Director of Photography: Katja van den Broeke
Choreographer: Nicola Balhuizen Hepp, The Movers.
Soundtrack: Sounds by Thomas
Title design: FromForm

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