Help end fracking and Wage Good

Fracking has an impact on drinking water. In fact, it has been linked to harmful groundwater contamination, has been used in all three locations featured in the posters: Dimock, Pennsylvania; Delaware County, New York; and the reservoirs of Texas. These posters illustrate the point and encourage people to write their congressmen about it.

Client: Wage Good
Advertising Agency: Y&R Midwest
Chief Creative Officer: Bill Cimino
Creative Director/Art Director: Jeremy Smallwood
Creative Director/Copywriter: Pam Mufson
Designer: Carrie Richardson
Copywriter: John Doessel
SVP, Director of Integrated Production: Brian Smego
Senior Digital Artist: Keith Handley, Giannini Creative

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I like the little " NO" logo on the right.

kidsleepy's picture

I don't like the fact you have to turn your head to read the copy. No one ever bothers, which is a shame.

Dabitch's picture

I know that I didn't.