probably doesn't like Tech watch after this.

Really, I should quit worrying about what ad-support might do to editorial content, it doesn't stop anyone on TV from reading bad news about their own sponsors. Or - some media buyer is getting fired over this.

The Unfortunately Placed Ad is via why advertising sucks.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Todd D's picture

Dabitch, just wanted to let you know that video is fake. Notice the ABC watermark on the video but then the new clip is from MSNBC.

purplesimon's picture

I'm shocked! To think that fake items might be appearing on the Web!

Bannerblog has a list of digital media gaffes on its website. Always worth a look.

Dabitch's picture

ah, I didn't spot the split second after TECH WATCH[msnbc] which vanishes quite quickly - and then the abc logo is back! (and I don't know what channel airs TECH WATCH either)