How Does Pranking Consumers Affect A Brand?

With April Fools Day around the corner, many companies and brands are undoubtedly preparing to offer up some laughable products and deals for consumers as they have in the past. 

Below is a list of some noteworthy “pranks” played by consumer-friendly brands:





  • GameStation: GameStation added an “immortal soul clause” into their terms and conditions in which consumers surrendered their souls to the company if they chose not to opt out of the clause. GameStation collected a total of 7,500 souls who decided to skip the terms and conditions (or didn’t mind the new clause). Only 12% of customers opted out of the soul clause, and GameStation awarded them a coupon worth 5 GBP. GameStation returned the souls of the other customers with a reminder to always read terms and conditions before agreeing to them.



  • PizzaHut: PizzaHut tweeted about its new dessert item, “For Easter, we have a limited edition marshmallow dessert Pizza! You can order your choice of color and animal. I love the yellow bunnies!” and “The marshmallow pizza will be available starting tomorrow and may not be available at all stores!”.
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