Hub Strategy launches new work for Viator

Viator is an online travel company that pre-screens tours and activities all over the world, so you don't get stuck on a lame-o trip.

San Francisco based Hub Strategy created the print, with the idea being you can feel like an insider rather then just one more tourist clutching a guide book, wearing a big straw hat and too much sun screen on their nose.

Creative Directors: DJ O'Neil, Peter Judd
Associate Creative Director: Jason Rothman
Designers: Jason Rothman, Jen Hartford
Copywriters: Linda Birkenstock, Bem Jimmerson
CG Artist: Jeppe Paustian
Flash Designer: Armand Tam
Director of Account Management: Annalyn Duke
Account Director: Angelina Dilg
Account Coordinator: Caitlin Lutsch
City: San Francisco

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