Hyundai IONOQ 5 - "Too good to be true" EV charging longing (2024) :48 (Israel)

What if EV charging handles had feelings?

Set to the tune of "Too good to be true", Hyundai's drive around and EV chargers seemingly fall in love with them.

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CCO: Gideon Amichay

Creative Team: Ouriel Ferentz, Gil Aviyam, Shmulik Kitainic, Yaron Itzhkov, Erez Hadar, Rony Schenider, Iris Shamshon, Omry Frydmann, Gali Namdar, Liat Lapushin, Zeev Ravid

Managing Team: Tal Fishbein, Tom Bar, Daphna Tsror

Production company: OG, Director: Eli Sverdlov, Assistant director: Amir Melamed, Raanan Tesler, Chief producer: Gilad Shneider, Head producer: Tamir Wexler, Producer: Shira Barashi, Head of post-production: Julie Zarug, Post-production: Neta Shapinko Levi | Jenny Manevitch, production manager: Shirley Yosepov, DP: Mano Kadosh, Focus Puller: Nati Amos, Drone: Amir Terkel, Gaffer: Yonatan Tal, Grip: Efi Ajami, Set dresser: Meir Guri, SFX: Miki Nahmias | Nir Zeiri, Location Manager: Daniel Weisman, Offline editing: Hemi Solomon, Color Correction: Vadim Bar Zakharin | Gal Isar, Compositing: Vadim Bar Zakharin | Alon Tisson Studio, 3D and animation: Wizard Postproduction, Cover music: Tomer Biran, Sound editing: Sound house, Narration: Micha Fridman

Colmobil: Yuval Gur, Goni Yaakobovicz Ezer, Gali Barak, Lena Tabachenkov

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