If you've been living under a rock and suddenly wondering why you're getting an email from everything website you ever signed up for detailing their privacy service updates, it's because the European Union’s GDPR was rolled out on May 25th.
To celebrate privacy online becoming simpler, IKEA made a cheeky post. The GDPR will simplify privacy, in much the same way that IKEA simplifies your home life. It's also a nod to IKEA’s own ability to make sure you have some.
Credits: Agency: ACNE / IKEA Creative Hub Client: IKEA Executive Creative Director, ACNE: Johan Bello Creative Director, IKEA Creative Hub: Morten Kjaer Senior Creative, ACNE: Tiago Pinho Creatives, ACNE: Isaac Bonnier, Joel Lindblad. Account Director, ACNE: Lovisa Friman Bendz Assignor, IKEA: Jovana Basrak Keric Strategic Planner IKEA Creative Hub: Kim Saxberg Assignment Leader, IKEA Creative Hub: Louice Alvarsson