Ikea - A world without textiles - (2012) 2:00 (USA)

Imagine a world without textiles. A place where comfortable pillows are replaced with tree stumps. Where curtains are made of sheet metal, rugs are made of sand, and sofas are made of cacti. That’s a hard world. To celebrate a year of softness from IKEA, the fun and fluffy parts, the colorful and comfortable parts, McCann New York presents “A World Without Textiles,” a two-minute web film that shows just how hard life would be without textiles and how, with IKEA, “a little bit of softness can change your world.” The film is the first IKEA work to come out of the agency since the Swedish retailer named McCann global agency of record for the catalogue last August. * how many were surprised that he didn't skin the rabbit? Just me? OK.

IKEA “A World Without Textiles” Agency: McCann New York Chairman: Linus Karlsson Vice Chairman: Andreas Dahlqvist Associate Creative Directors: Koen Malfait, Zack McDonald Junior Art Directors: Sheila Johansson, Zorica Radovic Chief Production Officer: Brian DiLorenzo Producers: Luca Mazzarini, Minnie Tran Music Producer: Michael Ladman Executive Project Leader: Rich Whalen Project Leader: Isabelle Brummer Lewenhaupt Production Company: Paranoid US Director: Olivier Babinet DP: Yves Cape Executive Producers: Jamie Miller, Claude Letessier Producer: Pat Harris Production Designer: Robert Dabrowski Costume Designer: Fred Cambier Editorial: Final Cut Editor: Arianna Tomasettig Colorist: Pearly Leung Mixer: Marc Healy Producer: Olivia Chiu Music: Maplewood “Everything I own”

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