If you hate Internet Explorer you're a sad cheetos-fingered dude, one razor-blade away from neckbeard. At least that's what I take from this ad, where one man is on a mission. From the comfort of his lava-lamped computer lab he comments on every single Internet Explorer news tidbit on the web saying that IE sucks. Sucks. Sucketh. Sucketh hard. It doesn't even matter that IE tweets about kittens and love.
"IE adopts an island of kittens and donates them all to children everywhere!!! #Kids+KittiesRULE."
.... And in the end he decides that IE sucks... less? Basically they want your takeaway to be "there's no pleasing some people", which we all know. But still, this ad spent a long time telling me there's people out there who think IE sucks, me included, and no time telling me why it doesn't.
The best thing about this ad? The comments on the youtube version have been disabled.
Microsoft Internet Explorer