Kiwi Shoe Polish - Wet dream - print, China

With this campaign Grey Hong Kong are targeting the male audience who dream of teeny tiny women polishing their shoes. I'm not even going to try and understand the appeal in that. Is that some sort of tinkerbell fetish I've never heard of?

Client: Kiwi Shoe Polish
Agency: Grey Hong Kong
Lester Lee : Photographer
Keith Ho : Executive Creative Director
Brian Ma / Alfred Wong : Creative Director
Brian Ma / Leo Yeung : Art Director
Alfred Wong / Tony Chan : Copywriter

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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alex's picture

Tiny dirty women, no less. Is it a reference to those car wash scenarios with soapy women? I just want to know how they all managed to get streaks of polish on their thighs.

Dabitch's picture

I guess that comes from straddling newly polished shoes....

alex's picture

Thats the voice of experience, that is.

Dabitch's picture

*Moahahahaha* You're never going to stop until we've firmly established a red-headed sex-kitten persona here, are you? Plus, are you saying I'm tiny? Cuz' I am. ;P
.. Oooh! Nice shoes you have on there mate...

Allan1's picture

Freshly polished. Just need to be... buffed... :-)

alex's picture

Just helping you with your brand management, that’s all. I’m surprised you’re interested in these old hiking boots though.

Dabitch's picture

Ah, but I love lumberjacks. ;P Brand management, heh, Dabitch is a brand now? Quick, what are the brand key words?

alex's picture

Ah, you're just fishing for compliments now.

Dabitch's picture

Meh. I thought you'd come up with a list like "Redhead, wicked, awesome, h4ck3r, sex machine"
damn, you didn't fall for it! Must. be. more. subtle.

alex's picture

Don't know if 'awesome' is a workable brand attribute, but the rest...

Allan1's picture

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I sleep all night and I work all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavatory
On Wednesdays I go shopping
And have buttered scones for tea

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I sleep all night and I work all day

I cut down trees, I skip and jump
I like to press wild flowers
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I sleep all night and I work all day

I cut down trees, I wear high heels
Suspenders and a bra
I wish I'd been a girlie
Just like my dear Papa ["Mama" in very first version]