Land Rover - Let's Take Mine (2006) 0:30 (USA)

Agency: Young & Rubicam Brands, Irvine

Assoc. Creative Director/Art Director: Jeff Payne
Assoc. Creative Director/Copywriter: Jeff Heath
Producer: Christopher Coleman
Production Company: GO Film LA/Hollywood, CA
Director: Markus Walter
Executive Producer: Gary Rose, Robert Wherry, Jonathan Weinstein
Producer: Adam Gross
Editorial Company: Cut+Run/Santa Monica, CA
Editor: Jay Nelson
Assistant Editor: Joe Rounseville
Producer: Megan I. Welsh
Postproduction Facilities:
Colorist: Beau Leon/Syndicate/Santa Monica, CA
Online Editors: Paul Song/Liquid Images/Santa Monica, Ca
Audio Post: Ravenswork/Venice, CA
Mixer: Eric Ryan
Producer: Katherin Morgan
Music Production Company: The Lodge/New York City, NY
Composer: David "Dibs" Shackney
Arranger: Terence Bernado
Producer: Eric Hillebrecht
Creative Directors: Drew Stein, Eric Hillebrecht
Sound Design Company: Machinehead/Venice, CA
Sound Designer: Johannes Hammers
Head of Production: Vicki Ordeshook

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