Libresse - Blood - (2016) :90 (UK)

In a glorious montage of very varied women giving their all in different sports set to grooving mantra-like music, we see women bleed. From their face when boxing, from their knees when running, from pretty much everywhere when playing rugby. From their toes when dancing ballet, ouch. The mountain biker in the snow, oh doesn't that look so crisp and nice and slippery, of course, she bleeds. In between all of this, a Joan of Arc-like woman on horseback appears, waving her sword and showing her scarred bleeding face. She is the updated "girl in white pants on horseback" in this ad. Crushed is the idea of staying at home and gorging on chocolate ice-cream. No, we will not be held back. "No blood should hold us back." Aha, I see what you did there. Very clever. Showing all this blood when you mean period blood. Love it. You know, ladies, physical activity really help the cramps go away, so you probably should go boxing. This ad makes all women here look like warriors, remind me to plug this soundtrack in when I'm just idling slowly on the stairmaster.

Client: Libresse Bodyform

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