Mack Trucks and Steve Moakler "Born ready" (2017) 4:00 (USA)

Least we forget, the resources trucks haul aren't made in Google and our food is not yet grown in Amazon warehouses. It's grown on farms and gets transported from those farms all over the country. And this video, is also a #MackAnthem. Mack truck tells the very cute story of a truck driving dad and his daughter who is keeping tabs and touch with him as he hauls his load across the great country until he gets back home. While the soundtrack is provided by singer-songwriter Steve Moakler. "Born Ready," isn't just Mack's tagline but a rousing anthem to the regular hard working folks.
In one way, it's also the antithesis of a Bruce Springsteen song in that it is proudly patriotic and anything but downtrodden. Instead of wallowing in victim hood or screeching against the government, "Born Ready" is a celebration of the people who own the open road. Sure it's hard, and sometimes lonely, but the ways to keep in touch with your family are exponentially easier than they were even ten years ago. Long gone are the days of country singer Dave Dudley's sketchy truck driving character trying to outrun the cops, high s a kite on amphetamines. "Born Ready," shows a family man missing his daughter.
As a music video its quite touching and the Mack product placement never feels gratuitous.

Mack Trucks Creative – Mark Urmos (creative direction, all Mack truck footage)
Remedy Creative – Hunter Airheart (BTS footage of Steve in the studio)
G7 Entertainment Marketing – Strategy Lead: Niki Tyree
Mack Trucks – Nicole East, Program lead / Kim Pupillo, Mack PR
CAA – Megan Sykes, Sponsorship Agent
Creative Nation – Brandon Gill, Management

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