Making your portfolio look like Lürzers Archive: Badlanded!

This Badlander is fun! Creatives René Schultz and Casper Christensen wanted to get their portfolio in front of creative directors, who are notoriously hard to get an appointment with. They decided to disguise their portfolio as Lürzer's Archive magazine, containing all of their work, QR codes leading to online videos and even fake interview articles with themselves.

Great Idea! The idea is so good I wish I had done it. But wait, I have! In 2000 I printed a small run of my portfolio disguised as Lürzer's Archive and sent out to unsuspecting creative directors notoriously difficult to get an appointment with. This was my first edition which I reprinted with few changes each year, leaving my self-illustrated self-portrait as the cover each time to show that I am indeed, an Art Director who can draw. It even had real articles about me and my work in it, instead of a stodgy old resume. My CV was disguised as the credits list. I even made another edition in 2004 when I teamed up with Erik Rolf. Online, I had my portfolio site styled like Lürzer's site at the time, with a magazine-style navigation.

Hilarious, right? René Schultz and Casper Christensen has brought the idea into 2014 with the QR code and, +++extra credit, a nice case study video to go along with it. Love it, love it, love it. Nicely executed, good idea, and an extra nice touch with the case study video. You can see their portfolio online at and their case study below. Another layer of funny in this is that I lived in Copenhagen 2002, and sent this portfolio around there at the time. René and Casper are Danish. Beware of simple good ideas, they have always been done before - but you can always make it better!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Mr.B's picture

What's surprising is that it took this long before someone else had the same idea. It's a very simple and good idea. Is the case study so that they many enter it in award shows?

Michael Deane's picture

Plagiarism is the highest form of a compliment, no?

Hygge's picture

Brilliant. The first one, that is. How many awards did it win? How many gigs did it get the team?

Dabitch's picture

Hey, I know who you are silly.