Marmite bites back at Vegemite in full page ad: "See you at the home of Cricket" #MarmyArmy

So, recall that Marmite 'started it' as they handed out free jars of Marmite at the Ashes? Yeah, then Vegemite responded with this full-page advert in the Mirror, declaring Vegemite to be a "far stronger taste, made of resilience and fortitude with a dash of cunning and guile" and that it "tastes like Australia"


Marmite wasn't going to take that in silence, they have now responded with this: 

"Dear vegemite"

"Dear vegemite

We might not taste like Australia.

but love it or hate it,

we won't be tampering with it.

-- see you at the home of cricket."

Now, the #MarmyArmy are probably equipped with free jars of Marmite giveaways, if I'd venture a guess, and they just announced where they will be so if anyone nearby fancies a free jar.... Created by Adam&Eve DDB, London, it might look a tad passive considering how brash the Vegemite ad was, but just like the Brits they may be subtle on the surface but I'm certain something bigger awaits. Also, what did they mean by "tampering", is this yet another Cricket reference flying over my head? I'm sure it is.

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Carlos T's picture

Meh, that's a pretty tame response.

Dabitch's picture

It references the 2018 Australian ball-tampering scandal. Not all that tame.